Sign the White House petition for surveillance reform


    Sign the surveillance reform petition!

    Right now, a coalition of watchdog groups (like the ACLU) and Internet Companies are pushing reform of the Electronic Communication Privacy Act.  The current version of the law is outdated, written before the days of cloud computing, so it allows the government to obtain YOUR old emails without a warrant:

    The federal law on Internet privacy – the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, or ECPA – was enacted in 1986 and has gone virtually unchanged since. It says that government agencies can access email and other content stored online without a warrant. Digital 4th has joined with dozens of organizations, technology companies and startups to petition the White House to support pending legislation that would update ECPA to make it clear that government agents cannot read citizens’ email without a warrant.

    Let’s call on the White House and Congress to protect our 4th Amendment rights! One simple action by you, right now, will speak volumes …

    This coalition is pushing for this law to be updated to require warrants — and has this petition up. We’ve got 65K signatures right now – if we get to 100K, the White House will be forced to respond.

    Please sign the petition and share broadly!


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