Home 2019 Elections Video: Ed Gillespie & Mitt Romney’s 47% Problem

Video: Ed Gillespie & Mitt Romney’s 47% Problem


It’s fascinating to watch Ed Gillespie try to argue that Romney’s remarks writing off 47% of Americans were totally innocuous. Of course, that’s completely absurd, but it’s the alternate-reality la-la land that right wingnuts like Ed Gillespie live in. As American Bridge, which produced this video, explains:

As Ed Gillespie prepares to campaign with Mitt Romney in New York City this evening, Virginia voters should take a look at Gillespie’s record as a surrogate for Romney’s losing presidential campaign in 2012. When Romney’s infamous “47 percent” comments came to light, disparaging millions of Americans like seniors who rely on Social Security and veterans who receive benefits from their service to the country, Ed Gillespie came to Romney’s defense. Gillespie backed up Romney’s comments when asked about it during an appearance on the Today Show, saying: “that’s political analysis, that’s not a governing philosophy.”

Of course, we know that it’s very much a “governing philosophy” – that of today’s Robber Baron Republican Party. Now, let’s just make sure we keep beating these guys.


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