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VA House Republicans Cave to MAGA Conspiracy Theories, Vote to Weaken Our Democracy 


From the VA House Democratic Caucus

House Republicans Roll Back Voting Rights

House Republicans Cave to MAGA Conspiracy Theories And Weaken Our Democracy 

RICHMOND, VA – Today, Republicans caved to MAGA conspiracy theories and voted to roll back early voting from forty five days to fourteen, before the election (HB 1877) as well as voting in favor of HB 1693 which repeals the use of dropboxes. This, despite the fact that Virginians have voted early for several years – because it’s convenient, reliable, and safe. There is no justification to shortening the voting period.

“Republicans would rather strip Virginians of their right to vote than risk losing an election. We have seen what happens when MAGA extremists take hold of the Republican party on a national scale,” said Leader Don Scott, “These bills are just the latest attempt by MAGA Republicans to roll back voting rights – making it harder for people to vote, and weakening our democracy.”

“Our Commonwealth works best when it works for ALL of its people and hears ALL of its voices,” said Chair Charniele Herring, “The people of Virginia sent us to Richmond so they could have their voices heard – not for us to take that right away.”

Delegate Cia Price gave a floor speech on Wednesday, stating: “We went from the second hardest state to vote into the eleventh easiest. That’s because of intentional reforms that we made in response to the voters…What’s really interesting about these bills that try to roll back the progress we’ve made is that every single voter benefits on both sides of the aisle. The attempts to roll back our progress are highly suspect. Why would you not want everyone who wants to vote to be able to vote?”

House Democrats worked tirelessly to expand voting rights and will defend the rights of all Virginians to have their voices heard at the ballot box.


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