Home 2019 Elections Video: Prior to Saturday’s Warner-Gillespie Debate, Learn All About “Enron Ed”

Video: Prior to Saturday’s Warner-Gillespie Debate, Learn All About “Enron Ed”


From the Enron Ed website:

Enron was the largest corporate fraud in U.S. history – and Ed Gillespie was their lobbyist. Enron paid Gillespie and his firm $700,000 to lobby for hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks and to help them block regulation of the energy markets, so they could raise utility rates on you. When Enron collapsed in scandal, 20,000 employees lost their jobs, their healthcare, and life savings, while top executives were hauled off to prison. Ed Gillespie – the million dollar Washington lobbyist who put Enron ahead of you.

Lovely, eh? As DPVA Executive Director Robert Dempsey puts it: “Virginians deserve to know Enron Ed’s history of fighting for special interests at the cost of working families. Virginia simply can’t afford Ed’s retainer.” No, we sure can’t afford that. I hope this topic comes up in Saturday’s debate at  The Greenbrier.


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