I dare anyone to watch the video from this morning in the Virginia State Senate, specifically the debate over SB1040 (” Amends certain renewable energy portfolio standard program requirements for Dominion Energy Virginia, including the annual percentage of program requirements to be met with behind-the meter solar, wind, or anaerobic digestion resources of three megawatts or less located in the Commonwealth. The bill also removes the requirement for a solar-powered or wind-powered generation facility to have a capacity of no less than 50 kilowatts to qualify for a third party power purchase agreement under a pilot program.”), and make a case that Virginia Republicans are serious lawmakers. Because, actually, they’re a bunch of clowns.
Check it out and decide for yourself, as Virginia Republican Senators Ryan McDougle and Mark Obenshain throw out straw man after red herring, right-wing talking point after Fox “News”-style blather, nonsensical understanding of Econ 101, even referring to the “Gulf of AMERICA” (that alone marks the individual, in this case far-right-extremist Sen. Obenshain, as a non-serious individual), while Democrats talk about facts, science, empirical evidence, return on investment, etc. The contrast between these two parties couldn’t be greater.
By the way, in the end, SB1040 passed the Senate overwhelmingly, with only the most wackadoodle Republicans voting against it…