Del. Patrick Hope Announces He Will Not Run for State Senate


    Although I fully understand why Del. Patrick Hope made this announcement, I find it highly discouraging, as I believe Hope would have made the strongest candidate for State Senate from the 31st district, as well as a superb, progressive champion in the State Senate. I guess this is what happens when Dick Saslaw uses heavy-handed tactics in order to “clear the field” (see here for more) for his preferred candidate. That’s certainly not “democracy” as I know it.

    Delegate Patrick Hope (VA-47) Decides to Seek Re-Election to the House

    Arlington – Having stated in the early weeks of March that I would only make a decision after having an opportunity to actually see the newly drawn 31st Senate District lines, I have reluctantly decided, at this time, not to run for the open Senate seat.  I intend to seek re-election to the House.  Running an effective campaign with the geographical diversity of the new district would take me away from spending quality time with my young family.

    I’m humbled by the literally hundreds of voters living in the new 31st district who pledged support and encouraged me to run, but my first obligation must be to my family.  Spending the time it would take to be victorious in a competitive primary and general election is too high a price for me to have to pay; however, I will not rule out a run for higher office at a future date.

    This was a very difficult decision for me to make and I realize there will be many people disappointed by this announcement.  Filling the experience gap left behind by my dear friend, Senator Mary Margaret Whipple, and after a very challenging year for Arlington in the legislature, voters of the 31st District deserve a strong, progressive Senator who knows how to effectively legislate and already has earned the respect of colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

    Serving the people of the 47th District remains a distinct honor and privilege.  Therefore, I hereby announce my intention to seek re-election to the House in November and I look forward to continuing my public service to the people of Arlington.

    Patrick A. Hope is a Member of the Virginia General Assembly as the Delegate from the 47th District representing part of Arlington County.  He serves on the House Courts of Justice Committee and House Health, Welfare, and Institutions Committee.


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