Electricity Rates Going Up, Again, In SW Virginia


    Electricity rates are going up yet again in Southwest Virginia. Appalachian Power has applied for another rate increase this year. As our nation pulls out of the economic “Great Recession,” what impact will this have on jobs and local businesses? Not good, says the Roanoke Times:

    The 650 employees of Galax’s Vaughan-Bassett Furniture Co. have suffered from rates spiking since 2005 because it has increased expenses for their employer, and cost them more money at home, Chief Operating Officer Doug Bassett said.

    “Our employees are victims of a double whammy,” Bassett said in a public meeting at Franklin County High School in Rocky Mount.

    This isn’t the first time Appalachian Power has raised rates on struggling businesses. But I thought our Republican friends were telling us the only reason that rates were increasing was because of cap and trade?

    Is it possible that Cuccinelli, Hurt, and others are wrong and that something else is responsible for these rising rates? Maybe a “regulatory” system that gives carte blanche to the big utility companies?

    When rates were going up in 2009 and 2010 the Virginia Republicans were quick to blame Obama, the Democratic Party, and cap and trade. Rates are still going up now that the House is in the hands of conservatives like Robert Hurt and Morgan Griffith. What are they doing to stop these rate hikes now?


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