Jasper Hendricks, Candidate for Virginia’s 59th District, to Host Coffee & Conversation


    Jasper Hendricks is seeking the Democratic nomination to represent the 59th District in the Virginia General Assembly because like you, he believe in the ideas that if you work hard you can count on the health care, education, and retirement security that you need to raise your family. But friends, also like you, Jasper sees that these are our basic values that are in jeopardy every day.

    A lifelong resident of the 59th District, Jasper attended Appomattox County Elementary and Middle Schools before graduating from Prince Edward County High School. Jasper who studied political science at Norfolk State University and served as Legislative Assistant in the office of the University President, has also served as National Director of Youth and College Voter Empowerment at the NAACP, Director of Field and Political Programs for the National Black Justice Coalition, outreach advisor to two democratic presidential campaigns and a senior aide to three Members of Congress.

    Virginia’s 59th District, like many other localities, faces a stagnant job market and few opportunities for children in the district to grow and prosper.

    Jasper who is the son of Joyce Hendricks who retired in 2007 from Thomasville Furniture after 32 years of service in their Appomattox plant and the late Jasper Hendricks, Jr who had been employed at Griffin Pipe Industries in Lynchburg for 30 years, will highlight the need to create and improve access and opportunities to quality jobs, the importance of investing in lifetime education from early childhood through adulthood, and the need for responsible economic development throughout the district.

    From building coalitions across diverse communities, to understanding the crucial roles of government and how we can work together to move Virginia forward, this campaign is our moment, our chance to stand up for the principles and values that we share; to bring new ideas, energy, and leadership – to REVIVE the HEART of VIRGINIA.  


    WHO:  Jasper Hendricks, candidate for 59th District, Democratic Nomination

    WHAT:  Meet & Greet with Coffee and Community Conversation

    WHEN: 10am – Saturday, July 9, 2011

    WHERE: Baines Books and Coffee

                   205 Main Street, Appomattox

    A New Day, A Better Way for Virginia’s 59th District…Moving Forward Together!


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