Home Supreme Court “A violent sexual predator just ascended to our nation’s most respected court...

“A violent sexual predator just ascended to our nation’s most respected court of law…So let today be rock bottom. Together we rise on November 6th.”


by Alex Sakes, campaign organizer on the Joshua Cole for Delegate campaign; also a student at the University of Mary Washington studying political science, class of 2019.

The disastrous confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh will shift the Supreme Court further to the right than we have ever seen in modern history, with no swing vote. Any semblance of an independent judiciary tainted for a lifetime.

The FBI has conducted what has to be the biggest sham of an investigation since its founding, as dozens of credible victims, along with Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh themselves, have failed to be interviewed whatsoever.

Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior during the Senate Judiciary hearing was an abhorrent display of white male privilege in action; privilege that was ferociously defended by Republican Senators Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, and perhaps must disappointing, Susan Collins.

Kavanaugh came out swinging, calling the hearing a political hit job orchestrated by the Clintons and the Democrats, and for this alone his nomination should have been withdrawn. Kavanaugh has proven himself to be nothing more than a belligerent partisan hack with his eye on consolidating corporate power, expanding executive privilege from criminal investigation, and rolling back the hard-fought rights of women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, religious minorities, and working class Americans all across this nation.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court is truly a heart-breaking, gut-wrenching moment for myself and millions of Americans across our country. I won’t seek to sugar coat the tremendous loss we faced today. A violent sexual predator just ascended to our nation’s most respected court of law; just as the man who nominated him, a man who bragged about his sexual assault on an access hollywood tape, ascended to our nation’s most respected elective office just two years prior.

I implore every man reading this to tell the women in their lives that you care for them today. Tell the brave survivors you know that you believe them, that you will fight for them.

We have a battle to wage in the voting booth this November. If the GOP has chosen the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as the hill they are willing to die on, I say we make it so. We must vote like hell. It is imperative that we remove every single Republican Senator and Democratic co-dependants like Joe Manchin out of office when they are up for reelection that we can. The powers that be retain a large portion their influence through voter apathy alone. We must get active, join a campaign, and run for elective office.

It’s no hyperbolic statement to say that our democracy and the future of our republic depends on it. Nothing more, nothing less.

So let today be rock bottom. Together we rise on November 6th.

I’m with you.

Alex Sakes Photography

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