Home 2019 Elections President Obama Speaks at the NALEO Annual Conference, Takes Huge Lead Among...

President Obama Speaks at the NALEO Annual Conference, Takes Huge Lead Among Latino Voters


On the same day that President Obama was demonstrating to Latino voters why there’s no comparison between him and the anti-DREAM, pro-pandering-to-xenophobic-Teabaggers Willard “Mitt” Romney, a new poll by Latino Decisions and America’s Voice demonstrated how poorly those policies, and the entire attitude, is playing with the enormous U.S. Latino population.

Thus, President Obama now leads Romney by huge margins among Latino voters in “swing states”: 74%-18% in Arizona, 70%-22% in Colorado, 69%-20% in Nevada, 59%-28% in Virginia, and 53%-37% in Florida. Not surprisingly, President Obama’s announcement of “a new Department of Homeland Security policy to stop the deportation of any undocumented immigrant youth who attends college or serves in the military and to provide them with a legal work permit” plays extremely well among Latino voters.

Also not surprisingly, comments by Republicans like Romney that “we need to prevent illegal immigrants from being able to work in America, and that any undocumented immigrants should self-deport back home to their original countries” are NOT going over well with Latino voters. At all. So, keep it up Republicans, please continue alienating this enormous, rapidly growing group of Americans, and consign yourselves to electoral oblivion for decades to come. Just remember to look in the mirror when you’re trying to find someone to blame for your predicament, that’s all I have to say.


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