Home 2019 Elections President Obama Comes to Centreville

President Obama Comes to Centreville


UPDATE 4:24 pm: President Obama is now speaking at Centreville High School. Click on the image above for the CSPAN video feed.

UPDATE 3:58 pm: Pool report by Sean Lengell of the Washington Times – “AF1 landed at Dulles at 3:19 pm. Motorcade rolling to campaign stop Clifton, Va.”

Photo courtesy of Rep. Connolly’s Chief of Staff James Walkinshaw, who writes “Racist for Romney here to protest.” So, let’s get this straight, the guy who went to France to dodge the Vietnam War, who is richer than 99.99% of Americans, who keeps much (most?) of his money overseas (in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, etc.) is the REAL American, but the quintessentially American Barack Obama is not?  Gotcha!


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