Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, December 26.

*Obama to Leave Hawaiian Vacation Early to Work on Fiscal Deal

*Democrats push for tax cuts they once opposed (In other words, we now have a grand total of ZERO major political parties in this country who are in any way serious about balancing the federal budget. Great, huh?)

*FreedomWorks tea party group nearly falls apart in fight between old and new guard (An insane story about an insane organization, ideology, etc.)

*Police probe NBC’s David Gregory on gun clip

*Poll: Fears of cliff dive mount

*Top 10 media stories of 2012

*The Biggest Republican Miscalculations Of 2012

*The District, Maryland tops in pay equity, Virginia lags behind

*Guns in Schools: Virginia Educators Concerned about Governor’s Interest in School Staff Carrying Weapons

*Cuccinelli faces test of appealing to independents (“As the Old Dominion becomes a firmly centrist state, more closely resembling the rest of the country demographically and politically, Virginia Republicans are shifting rightward.”)

*Finding the humanitarian message in Christmas

*Wednesday and weekend storms

have wet and wintry potential

*Redskins’ Fletcher isn’t acting his age


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