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Video: Amanda Chase Says She Led All The Independent Polls, So If She Doesn’t Win, She’ll Demand a “Full Audit” of the VA GOP Convention


Is this the anti-democracy Trump Republican Party’s attitude to a “t” or what? So basically, any time they don’t like the result of an election, they will rant, rave, claim it’s fraudulent, demand an “audit,” etc. As Amanda Chase puts it, in her inimitable “logic”:

“Well Frank, I have been the frontrunner of all seven candidates in every single poll that has been done, every single independent poll…So if I come out of this election as anything other than the victor, of course we are going to have a full audit. You know, I’m hoping for the best. We have demanded a hand-count vote…cameras, full transparency…”

Note, by the way, that the polls in which Chase led were all of Virginia Republican *primary* voters, while the one polls she did NOT lead was of Virginia Republican *convention* attendees. However, that latter poll – by the Trafalgar Group – was done for the Youngkin campaign, so Chase is claiming it’s not valid, basically. And sure, that’s theoretically possible, but it’s also par for the course with Chase to claim that *anything* which doesn’t fit her narrative, self interest, etc. *must* be fake, false, etc. It’s the epitome of the Trumpist mindset, and it’s VERY dangerous.

P.S. Polls close at 4 pm today (Saturday), followed by likely several days of counting (by hand)…and more counting (by hand)…and recounting (by hand)…and arguing…etc. Fun times, eh?

Radical right-wing Virginia state senator Amanda Chase says that if she does not emerge from the GOP’s nominating convention today as the Republican candidate for governor, she’ll demand an audit of the vote. pic.twitter.com/xSrxunOnlu

— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) May 8, 2021


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