Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Thursday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, July 25. Also check out President Obama speaking at the University of Central Missouri about his “vision for rebuilding an economy that puts the middle class and those fighting to join it front and center, which includes investing in education.”

*New Research Finds Melting Arctic May Cost Global Economy $60 Trillion (So…when humans melt the Arctic, they also melt their jobs and businesses along with it. You’d think “pro-business” Republicans would care about this and take urgent action, but noooooo….)

*Another Drilling Rig Explodes in The Gulf Of Mexico (Meanwhile, anyone who thinks that offshore oil and gas drilling can be done safely anywhere, let alone in the Arctic, is nuts.)

*Plan to restrict NSA program fails in the House (In Virginia, Democratic Representatives Connolly, Scott and Moran all voted “aye.” All Republicans voted “nay” except for Morgan Griffith.)

*Senate votes to tie student loan rates to markets

*Obama goes big (“Three reasons why his latest economic effort will be different.” I’m highly skeptical, but let’s hope!)

*North Carolina Gun Owners Will Soon Be Able To Carry Firearms At Bars And Playgrounds (Just remember, the insanity happening in formerly moderate/reasonable North Carolina is coming soon to Virginia if we’re stupid enough to elect Cuccinelli/Jackson/Obenshain!)

*Gov. McDonnell launches aggressive campaign to improve his reputation (This is a joke, right?)

*Race may sway Virginia Medicaid expansion (An absolutely CRUCIAL reason to vote for Terry McAuliffe this year!)

*Virginia Businesses Aren’t Buying Cuccinelli, McAuliffe (“‘Most of the Virginia business leaders who I know are moderate Republicans,’ says Bill Crutchfield, the founder of his eponymous consumer electronics retailing company based out of Charlottesville. ‘We believe that Ken Cuccinelli is far to the right of our philosophical comfort zone…Our state’s economic development could be adversely impacted if socially extreme candidates take over our government.’ Crutchfield supported the Romney-Ryan ticket and spoke at one of their rallies last year.”)

*Virginia near bottom in spending for health care law outreach (Another big Bob McDonnell #FAIL)

*Ken Cuccinelli immigration stand varies with venue (So much for Cuckoo being a straight shooter, if anyone ever believed that crap in the first place.)

*Gov. Bob McDonnell visits with troops in Middle East (McDonnell goes to one of the few places on earth where his type of petty corruption is not only tolerated, but widely approved of – Afghanistan!)

*Probe of visa program affects Virginia governor’s race

*Some educators give F to state’s plan to grade public schools (Yep, Bob McDonnell should get an “F” for this as well…)

*Cuccinelli, McAuliffe agree to just 2 more debates

*Candidates for governor to appear at Virginia Farm Bureau forum

*McDonnell apology is a good start (“He must do more.” Yeah, a LOT more!)

*Accreditor begins probe of NSU

*Sumptuous summer weather in store today and nearly as good Friday

*Strasburg gets no help as Nats’ skid reaches six (This team can’t hit its way out of a wet paper bag, sorry to say…)


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