Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, July 27. Also, check out President Obama’s weekly address, the theme of which is “A Better Bargain for the Middle Class.”

*WATCH: After Trumpeting Journolist Claims, Fox Silent On Groundswell (Yet more evidence, as if any more is needed, that Fox is nothing more than a right-wing/Republican propaganda channel.)

*Wall Street wants Yellen, not Summers, as next Fed chief (I could really do without Summers…the guy’s a misogynistic jerk.)

*Tom Coburn: Campaign to defund Obamacare ‘dishonest,’ ‘hype’ (For once I agree with right wingnut Tom Coburn.)

*Sargent: Marco Rubio’s utter gibberish (Can someone please explain to me why Marco Rubio has any appeal to anyone? The guy’s an imbecile and a nut.)

*In Chesterfield, Cantor calls health care law threat to economic growth (Speaking of imbeciles…in no way, shape or form is that true.)

*Apology, but no real answers from McDonnell (“McDonnell’s apology marks a dramatic turn. It is a gamble by a besieged politician to shape events rather than be shaped by them. But it provides no real answers. It could prove as useful as Tony Troy’s cold meatball sandwich.”)

*Democrats try to tar Ken Cuccinelli with Steve King’s brush (Chris LaCivita says it’s “pathetic” to note that Cuccinelli thinks Steve King is great, and holds views similar to King on almost every issue? So, then, LaCivita must be saying that Steve King is “pathetic,” and also by logical extension that Ken Cuccinelli is “pathetic” too, right?)

*Va. Dems Kaine, Moran tour Guantanamo prison

*Bolling shoots down governor write-in rumors, sort of

*Bryan Fischer Backs Ken Cuccinelli’s Sexual Crusade, Says Homosexual Behavior Should Be Contrary to Public Policy”

*Virginia authorities investigate threats to Cuccinelli

*The questions at Norfolk State

*Legal efforts end to remove Isle of Wight supervisor (“A legal effort to remove county Supervisor Byron ‘Buzz’ Bailey over racially tinged emails is over, but calls for his resignation are not.” The guy’s a disgrace, no doubt.)

*D.C. area homes disappear as fast as they hit the market

*The Eminence Grise Behind the Bi-County Parkway (“Crony capitalism is an ugly thing.”)

*Humidity returns, rain possible late

*Tyler Clippard sounds off after Nationals demote Drew Storen (“It’s one of those things that I think was handled very poorly by the organization.” Ugh.)


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