Home COVID-19 Sunday (6/20) Virginia Data on COVID-19: Hospitalizations, New COVID Cases At Lowest...

Sunday (6/20) Virginia Data on COVID-19: Hospitalizations, New COVID Cases At Lowest Points Since March 2020


See below for graphics of the newly posted COVID-19 numbers by the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association. So, at this point (6/20) in Virginia we’re at 678,649 total reported – confirmed plus probable – cases (note that actual cases, as well as deaths, could be higher, maybe even a LOT higher, based on stories like this one in the NY Times), 30,317 hospitalizations and 11,351 deaths from COVID-19. The number of reported cases was 54 (+0.01%) in the latest statistics, compared to yesterday’s 89 (+0.01%). As for hospitalizations, they went up 14 (+0.05%), compared to yesterday’s +12 (+0.04%).  Deaths are reported +8 compared to +1 the previous day. The number of PCR-ONLY test results is currently at 7,613,651 (up 6,415 from yesterday).


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