Home National Politics House Republicans Vote to Remain Minority Party For Years to Come

House Republicans Vote to Remain Minority Party For Years to Come


To summarize, Republicans are not just nasty and xenophobic, they also apparently enjoy self destruction. Case in point:

A Republican-led effort to discard President Barack Obama’s rule allowing some young undocumented immigrants to defer deportation passed the U.S. House Thursday, a further indication of the challenges still facing pending comprehensive immigration reform legislation.


The measure, which would cut funding to the Department of Homeland Security to implement the program, was approved by a vote of 224-201, mainly along party lines. It was sponsored by Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican who has long voiced opposition to any measures lessening the consequences of illegal immigration.

So, let’s get this straight: Republicans are doomed to lose elections at the national level for years to come unless they start attracting votes from Latinos, yet today they went out of their way to do the exact opposite. In the end, 221 Republicans (including all of Virginia’s) voted with ultra-bigoted extremist Steve King of Iowa to deport DREAM Act kids. It’s crazy, mean-spirited, and suicidal, so why would Republicans do it? Just remember, these are the same people who just nominated Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson, and Mark Obenshain (anti-LGBT, anti-immigrant, anti-women, anti-science, anti-government, anti-yoga, etc, etc.) to run Virginia. Any further questions?

P.S. See the White House statement on the “flip.”

Statement by the Press Secretary on the House Passage of Congressman Steve King’s Amendment

As the Senate prepares to debate bipartisan commonsense immigration reform next week, House Republicans chose to spend today passing an extreme amendment to strip protections from “Dreamers.”  These are productive members of society who were brought here as young children, grew up in our communities, and became American in every way but on paper.  This amendment, sponsored by Representative Steve King, runs contrary to our most deeply-held values as Americans.  It asks law enforcement to treat these Dreamers the same way as they would violent criminals.  It’s wrong.  It’s not who we are.  And it will not become law.


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