Video: Joe Biden Says Ken Cuccinelli is the “absolute antithesis…of change and progress”


    Vice Speaking at a GOTV canvass with Terry McAuliffe this morning, President Joe Biden absoulutely NAILED it about the extreme team of Ken Cuccinelli, E.W. Jackson and Mark Obenshain.

    These guys are the antithesis, the absolute antithesis, of change and progress. Everything they talk about, without exaggeration, is about turning back what the rest of the country and the world thinks is progress. It’s hard to fathom…this state being led by a man who rejects all that this new thinking stands for...The whole nation is looking at this race…and folks,it comes down to you.

    So make sure you vote tomorrow, for the Democratic ticket up and down the ballot, and tell these Tea Party extremists who shut down our government and want to tell us what we do in our bedrooms and doctors’ offices where to shove it.


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