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Va. Politicians’ NRA Ratings – “A” to “F” – Generally Reflect Their Comments on the Las Vegas Massacre


Check out the statements this morning about the horrific incident of gun violence in Las Vegas. The general pattern is that the NRA “F”-rated politicians, while of course expressing their thoughts, prayers and solidarity with the victims, also call for action to prevent this crap from happening again. The “A”-rated politicians, in contrast, are basically all about “thoughts and prayers” — but no action (in fact, in cases like Barbara Comstock, they are so pro-NRA that they actually want to make it easier for people to buy a silencer from a private seller without a criminal background check). Very telling.

P.S. Also note that the NRA has given $673,928 to Virginia Republicans over the years vs. just $91,222 to Virginia Democrats.

F Ratings

Rep. Don Beyer (D): “Our hearts are with the many families whose lives were shattered by this massacre. We have a moral duty to honor their lives with action.”

Rep. Bobby Scott (D): “This morning Americans awoke to news of the deadliest mass shooting in our nation’s history. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims and the survivors of this horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada. The frequency of mass shootings are far too common in our country. No one deserves to bear witness to the type of carnage that occurred in Las Vegas last night. The federal government is charged with the basic responsibility of keeping Americans safe, and the President and Congress have an obligation to address our nation’s gun violence epidemic. Congress cannot continue to sit idly by. The American people are demanding that their elected officials take action to prevent more of these horrendous and widespread incidences of violence in our country from happening again. Addressing this issue must be our top priority and I urge the President and the leadership in Congress to take meaningful action that is long overdue. The House Democratic Gun Violence Prevention Task Force has made many recommendations that could serve as the beginning of deliberations. Congress could also establish a select committee on this issue pursuant to H. Res. 367, Establishing the Select Committee on Gun Violence Prevention.  I and many of my colleagues are ready to work together to make sure these mass shootings are no longer a common occurrence in our society.”

Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D): “Pam and I are praying for everyone involved in last night’s mass shooting in Las Vegas. Make no mistake: This is terrorism. We have got to do more to prevent events like this moving forward. I’m tired of waking up to horrific news like this, and I’m sure you are, too.”

Justin Fairfax (D): “Praying mightily for victims of the horrific , their families & brave first responders. We cannot accept this as normal.” Also, “No city in America should ever have to endure a catastrophic tragedy like Las Vegas is experiencing right now, and no family should ever have to lose a loved one to such an evil, senseless act of terrorism. Today, all of our hearts are with the victims of this horrific shooting and their families.”

Mark Herring (D): “Impossible to comprehend the news out of Las Vegas. So many lives lost in a senseless act and so many families changed forever.”

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D): “Terrible gun massacre in Las Vegas. Once again a nation mourns and Congress will observe a moment of silence. Our deepest sympathies to the victims and their families…Maybe Congress needs a moment of outrage instead of a moment of silence for the latest gun carnage.”

Rep. Donald McEachin (D): “I am horrified by the news of the tragic shooting in Las Vegas. I pray for those we lost, their families, and that those injured heal quickly. I thank the brave first responders who heroically answered the call. Unfortunately, communities across the country have become all too familiar with the devastating news of an active shooter destroying innocent lives. Today is yet another reminder that we need to have a long overdue conversation to address the pattern of gun violence in our country. I call on my colleagues to do their job and responsibly address policy needs to make our nation better, safer, and healthier.”

Del. Mark Levine (D): “Horrified by what happened in Vegas last night.  And angry.  Don’t call it a tragedy.  A tragedy is a terrible and unpreventable occurrence. We are still learning what happened.  But if our gun laws allow weapons like this to be legally sold to people outside the military and law enforcement, this is not a tragedy. It’s an atrocity.”

Kathy Tran (Democratic candidate for House of Delegates in the 42nd district): “. & I are thinking of all those affected by the horrific tragedy in Las Vegas. We need commonsense solutions now.”

State Sen. Scott Surovell (D): “Paddock could not have done this with a hunting rifle or a handgun – assault rifles are designed to be very good at killing humans. We also have committed political malpractice to allow America to be populated by more guns than people. It hasn’t done anything to facilitate self defense or stop the danger of these situations.”

Sen. Tim Kaine (D): “My heart is broken over the tragedy in Las Vegas. I’m praying for the loved ones lost and injured, and I’m thankful for the heroism of law enforcement and first responders. The U.S. is known across the world for these mass shootings. We continue to suffer these horrific events, but repeatedly do nothing to help stop them from happening in the future. We have to do better.”

D Ratings

Danica Roem (Democratic candidate for House of Delegates in the 13th district): “My heart breaks for the people of Las Vegas and everyone who’s mourning a child, a parent, a grandparent, a relative, a friend, a family member of birth, a family member of choice, perfect strangers and acquaintances alike this morning.
We in Virginia know far too well the horror of a mass shooting in an area that’s supposed to be safe, that’s supposed to be a refuge from hostility. We in Virginia know far too well the God-sized holes mass shootings leave behind, where no amount of grief, agony or even well-intentioned efforts to remember the good times in an effort to stay positive fill the void. We in Virginia know far too well the feeling of a sinking heart and mental panic as we hear a lone gunman opened fire in one of our most cherished places, followed by the worry of, ‘Please don’t let it be….’ and we fill in the names of loved ones we know live in the area or were going to be in that vicinity at that particular time. We in Virginia know what it’s like in the days afterward to see our elected officials – our governor and even the president of the United States – offer their words and embrace of comfort in the immediate aftermath, even while others separated from the killing fields debate about the public policy issues while we grieve.  There is nothing I can tell the people of Las Vegas that the people of Blacksburg haven’t already heard… and yet our collective heart here in Virginia mourns, cracks and cries along with those in Nevada all the same.”

C Rating

A+ or A Ratings

Ed Gillespie (R): “Heartbreaking news out of Las Vegas this morning. Cathy and I are praying for victims and all those affected by this act of evil.”

Jill Vogel (R): “My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those who were killed or injured in last night’s horrific event.”

John Adams (R): “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends, and loved ones of everyone affected by the horrific shooting in Las Vegas.”

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R): “Heartbreaking news out of Las Vegas this morning. ‪Praying for the victims of the tragic attack overnight and their families. Thank you to the many first responders on the scene.”

Rep. Scott Taylor (R): “An unconscionable act of cowardice. It is hard to believe what happened in #LasVegas last night. My deepest sympathies and prayers to the victims, their families, and first responders. Police are advising for friends and family members who are concerned about Las Vegas concertgoers to call 1-866-535-5654.”

Rep. Dave Brat (R): “This morning, after the horrific news from Las Vegas, we all have to come together as brothers and sisters and pray for the victims and their families and the first responders and all whose lives will be forever changed after this assault on humanity. It is impossible for us to fully comprehend the grief from this tragic event. As we learn more details, pray for peace and healing.”

Rep. Barbara Comstock (R): “I am heartbroken by the mass murder that took place last night in Las Vegas and I am praying for the victims, families, and first responders. The heroic actions taken by the SWAT team and many off duty police, no doubt saved many lives. For those in need of information about loved ones who may have been at the location and are still missing, authorities have established a hotline to call at 1-866-535-5654.”


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