Home 2019 Elections Video: Neo-Confederate Corey Calls Senate Judiciary Members “Buffoons,” Christine Blasey Ford “Troubled,”...

Video: Neo-Confederate Corey Calls Senate Judiciary Members “Buffoons,” Christine Blasey Ford “Troubled,” Brett Kavanaugh “Good Man”

"Yes, I would confirm him" - Corey


2018 Virginia GOP U.S. Senate nominee Corey Stewart speaking about Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford, and Senate Judiciary Committee members at last night’s Hampton University forum. On November 6, make sure you vote – and tell everyone you know to vote – to reelect our great Sen. Tim Kaine over the real “buffoon,” Corey Stewart.

P.S. Also see below for video of the full forum from last night at Hampton University. As always, the contrast between the thoughtful, knowledgeable, serious, forward-thinking Tim Kaine and the ridiculous, clueless, clownish, backwards-lurching Corey Stewart is about as sharp as you can possibly get between two candidate for U.S. Senate.


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