Home Virginia Politics Cooch: Nobody Should Be Surprised At What I’m Doing

Cooch: Nobody Should Be Surprised At What I’m Doing


Marc Broklawski writes

At a April 10th Tea Party Rally in Stafford, VA, Ken Cuccinelli insisted that he had a mandate to reign in the Federal Government. He pretty much stated that we should expect more of the same from him (i.e. more frivolous lawsuits). How did this guy get elected?!

Good question, Marc. I’d also ask, “How are we going to survive 3 years, 9 months more of this true believer/extremist?”

P.S. By the way, Cooch, those of us “on the other side” do care about the Constitution, we just read it in light of 200 years of legal precedent and not in the narrow, twisted way you do.


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