Englin: Malek Appointment By McDonnell “deeply disturbing”


    Del. David Englin (D-45) has some thoughts on Bob McDonnell’s appointment of Fred Malek (aka, “Sarah Palin’s leading defender”) to chair his new budget/government “reform” commission.

    While I support the effort to create a top-level commission to recommend policies to reform government, it is deeply disturbing that Governor McDonnell would appoint as its chair Fred Malek, whose history in “reforming” government includes creating lists of Jews serving in government to track and remove from government service. Was there really no more qualified individual in Virginia to lead this panel? Has he done anything to disavow and make amends for his previous anti-Semitism? Otherwise, it’s one more slap in the face from McDonnell to Jewish state employees, coming right on the heels of allowing uniformed state police chaplains to proselytize to Jewish troopers and their families. These continued missteps from the McDonnell Administration are distractions from the competent and effective governing Virginians expect and deserve.

    See NLS for more on this disturbing appointment.

    UPDATE: Del. Adam Ebbin chimes in.

    It is cause for profound concern that Governor McDonnell would appoint Fred Malek to head his Commission on Government Reform. Malek’s Nixon administration record of creating a list of Jews–with an eye towards removing them from public service–is still alarming today. There are certainly many capable Virginians who could assume this important position.


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