Home Energy and Environment Hey Cooch: Hottest April, Hottest January-April in Temperature Records!

Hey Cooch: Hottest April, Hottest January-April in Temperature Records!


As usual, Ken Cuccinelli isn’t just wrong, he’s wildly, crazily, dangerously, insanely wrong.  Check this out.

It was the hottest April on record in the NASA dataset.  More significantly, following fast on the heels of the hottest March and hottest Jan-Feb-March on record, it’s also the hottest Jan-Feb-March-April on record [click on figure to enlarge].

The record temperatures we’re seeing now are especially impressive because we’ve been in “the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century.” It now appears to be over. It’s just hard to stop the march of manmade global warming, well, other than by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, that is.

Most significantly, NASA’s March prediction has come true:  “It is nearly certain that a new record 12-month global temperature will be set in 2010.”

But don’t worry; as the planet heats up and threatens life as we know it, Ken Kook-inelli has sprung into action, investigating the causes of global warming what we can do about this dire situation the scientists studying this phenomenon! And, of course, Bob McDonnell is standing up to Cuccinelli defending academic freedom at UVA not uttering a peep of protest.  This should tell you everything you need to know about Ken Kook-inelli and Bob McDonnell, on this and on pretty much everything else as well.  Oh, and for those who claimed that a couple of snowstorms in the middle of the winter (shocker, I know!) was evidence against global warming science, you might try staring at this image for a while.


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