Dave Matthews Rips Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining


    With mountaintop removal, it’s gone to this whole different level of this sort of aggressive, ambitious destruction of the landscape that they know it’s wrong. Massey knows it’s wrong, they know they’re polluting the water, they know they’re polluting the air, they know they’re polluting the people that are working there, destroying the landscape so they’re doing it as fast as possible. And it just needs to be stopped, because it’s sort of unforgivable behavior…[West Virginia]’s like no other place on the planet. We allow greed to have the loudest voice far too often…it’s all about profit

    So true, thanks to Dave Matthews for saying this!  I’d just add that mountaintop removal coal mining is a highly capital-intensive process that is greatly destructive of one more thing: jobs.  Which is why anyone who lives in Coal Country should strongly oppose mountaintop removal coal mining — because it ruins their communities AND steals their jobs, all to deliver huge profits to a big corporation, often headquartered in another state.

    Also, check out MusicSavesMountains.org.


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