Annabel Park on Getting Away from Simplistic, Binary Political Choices


    Good government is about problem solving, and often you have to think out of the box…right now we have the smallest box…we have two options…you can’t simplify it like that without sacrificing a lot of substance…

    …The frameworks that are presented to us in our current political discourse, they’re extremely limiting.  And I think immigration is a good example of that. It’s like, are you for or against illegal immigration?  It’s just not that simple.  Because, like, who’s for illegal immigration? Noone’s for it! Even the people who are here illegally, they don’t want to be “illegal.” But, you know, we’re dealing with a very broken system….

    It’s very complicated. But the way people want to present it is, you’re either for or against. And you’re like…how do I even answer that?  But people benefit from that framework. And then they pass very extreme policies, saying ok, we’re all against illegal immigration, so then these people have no rights…

    Well said, Annabel, go git’m!


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