Two New Ads Illustrate Why Rick Boucher Will Win Reelection


    The following two TV ads for Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th) – combined with the fact that he has the money to run them, and others like them – demonstrate why he’s likely to hold his seat in November.  The first ad wisely emphasizes that “Southwest Virginia means everything to [Boucher],” as well as his hard work bringing “good jobs” to the region.  The second ad stresses his vote against health care reform legislation and his support for coal. It doesn’t make progressives like me happy in the least bit (in fact, the second ad really pisses me off), but that’s exactly the point – Boucher isn’t trying to get my vote, he’s trying to win re-election in the  more conservative 9th CD.  Which he likely will do, 3 1/2 months frm now.

    h/t: Virginia Politics blog

    UPDATE: Per another discussion on this blog, I’d say that Boucher’s ads are a classic example of people voting against their own economic self interest.  The fact is, health care reform greatly, disproportionately helps lower income people, those without health insurance, exactly the type of people who live in…Rick Boucher’s district!


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