Kaine for President?


    That’s what the New Hampshire Democratic Party chairman, Ray Buckley, says in today’s “The Hill”.

    Kaine said he did not know how long he would stay on at the DNC, or what might lie ahead for his career. He said he had anticipated entering the administration in some type of education post before being asked to run party headquarters.

    This is only the beginning for Tim Kaine,” said [Rep. Debbie] Wasserman Schultz. “I’m hopeful that he’ll one day run for something again.”

    [New Hampshire Democratic Party chairman Ray] Buckley hinted that Kaine could wage his own successful White House bid down the line.

    He certainly has a fan base in New Hampshire, if he chooses to do that,” Buckley said.

    Interesting, I wonder if we could see Tim Kaine and Mark Warner both running for president in 2016.  Or, might one of them run for governor again at some point?  Warner’s only 55 years old (will be 61 in 2016), and Kaine’s just 52 (will be 58 years old in 2016), so there’s plenty of time for both.

    UPDATE: Just to be clear, this post is in no way an endorsement of Tim Kaine for President. In fact, I find it hard to believe that I’d ever support Kaine for President, Governor, or any other office at this point. I mean, you never know, but after watching him cave to Dominion, Bechtel, etc. from 2006 to 2010, I really really doubt it.


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