VA-01 Wittman push poll — anyone seen it??


    The Old Redneck heard yesterday that the Rob Wittman campaign mailed (or phoned ?) a push poll throughout VA-01 on which one of the questions about Democratic candidate Krystal Ball was something like:  “Did you know that Krystal Ball has an unusual affinity for homosexuals and lesbians?”

    Supposedly the sponsor of the poll was anonymous.

    Anyone seen or heard the details??


    By the way — the Old Redneck has heard Krystal speak twice in the last month.  Krystal is impressive — she’s thoughtful and sincere and she understands the issues; she talks with people, doesn’t dodge tough questions.

    I was a solid Scott Robinson supporter and still think Krystal has little chance of unseating Wittman.

    However — there are as many Democrats and Independents-leaning-Democrat in VA-01 as there are Republicans and leaning-Republicans.  Maybe if we work the phones and ring doorbells we can knock off Do-Nothing Rob.


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