Excellent Review of “Netroots Rising” by GMU Professor


    Thanks to GMU history and politics Professor Priscilla M. Regan for the excellent review of Nate Wilcox’s and my book, Netroots Rising, in the current edition of Public Administration Review. According to Professor Regan:

    The most detailed coverage that Feld and Wilcox provide is for the two Virginia races-Tom Kaine’s 2005 win of the governorship over Jerry Kilgore, and Jim Webb’s defeat of George Allen in the 2006 senatorial race. Their analyses of how and why these two Democrats won in what traditionally has been a Republican state will be of great interest to political consultants and political analysts.

    Yes, it was fun to write about the ’05 and ’06 Virginia races, and hopefully fun for your to read. If you’re interested, check out the book and let me know what you think. For now, a few more excerpts from the book review are on the “flip.” Enjoy.


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