Perriello, Hurt and Cancer


    The University of Virginia is home to a major cancer center. Cancer research is actually a pretty big deal in VA-05, so it’s no surprise that Tom Perriello has responded to the American Cancer Society’s candidate survey.

    I am proud to represent Charlottesville, home of the UVA Cancer Center and one of two National Cancer Institute designated cancer centers in the entire commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia received over $86 million in grants and contracts from the National Cancer Institute in 2009, making a significant contribution not only to cancer research but also to local economic development and job growth. Each year, over 36,000 Virginians are diagnosed with cancer. I strongly support increased funding for cancer research so we can make a dramatic improvement in the health and quality of life of cancer patients. – Tom Perriello

    But Tom’s opponent, Robert Hurt, has declined to respond to the ACS survey so far. It’s not like the ACS is a political action committee, or even that controversial. I understand avoiding the media when you have a horrible, horrible set of policies in mind, but avoiding the American Cancer Society, in a district with a major cancer research center?  

    For those who might be interested, In VA-11, Gerry Connolly responded to the survey, and his opponent did not.


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