Happy 10th Birthday, TPM


    Just a quick thought on TalkingPointsMemo.com on its 10th birthday. In the late ’90s in college, I’d be fuming at that day’s Broderism & my friends would seem a bit confused — I mean, we were being told in our journalism classes that this was Truth. The best defense our professors could offer was something like, “Well, he IS the Dean of the Washington Press Corps.” As if the wisdom of the King of the Parrots somehow had more credibility than just any parrot.

    When I discovered TPM, I had a tremendous sense of relief that someone else was getting indigestion at the way the Beltway media serves up conventional wisdom. It was like discovering this subversive underground club where it was OK to say, “Yeah, 90% of what comes out of Mark Halperin’s mouth strikes me as BS, too.”  


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