Cooch: Virginia has “outgrown” Voting Rights Act Redistricting Requirements



    …[Cuccinelli] believes that the time has passed that Virginia should have to seek approval from the U.S. Department of Justice before adopting new districts, as has been required for Virginia and a number of other Southern states since the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

    “I think as a state, as a commonwealth, we have outgrown that,” he said.

    In other words, according to Ken Cuccinelli, we now live in a society that’s completely color blind, where there’s no discrimination, and where everyone lives in peace and harmony, holds hands and sings “Kumbaya.” Ahhhh…paradise.

    Seriously, though, for more on why we still have these requirements, click here. Note that “Section 5” of the Voting Rights Act, which covers redistricting, remains in effect through 2031, with Congress in 2006 – Republicans in control at that point, mind you – having voted overwhelmingly (390-13 in the House, 98-0 in the Senate, signed into law by George W. Bush) to extend its requirements for another 25 years. In other words, Ken Cuccinelli is on the extreme fringe of his own party on this one. I wonder if Bob McDonnell agrees with Cooch on this one.

    In other news, Cooch also commented, “Nobody’s ordered to do Medicaid or Medicare,” and that “he supported a suggestion by Gov. Rick Perry (R-Tex.) that states examine withdrawing from the massive partnership with the federal government that provides funds for health care for disabled and low-income residents.”

    In sum, just when you think Cooch can’t get any crazier or more radical, he does. Wow.


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