Good Luck to Delegate Gear


    We’re certainly not on the same political “team,” but I’m sorry to hear this news anyway.

    …[Del. Thomas] Gear [R-York] confirmed he has formally resigned from the House saying he felt it was the best decision for him as he battles the progression of multiple sclerosis. Gear said he was diagnosed with MS more than 30 years ago, but has felt the affects of the degenerative disease more severely in the last four to five years. It affects his balance and his ability to walk, he said, and it is made worse by stress. There’s plenty of that during the annual legislative session, he noted.

    Gear said he had several tough falls during the 2010 session. But it was a fall at his home on the day after Christmas this year that convinced him another session was a bad idea–particularly as helps his wife and sister both battle cancer.

    Wow, that’s an awful lot to deal with. I wish Delegate Gear – and his wife and sister – all the best. Good luck.


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