New President for the Virginia Partisans


    Congratulations to Tiffany Joslyn, who has been voted the new president of the Virginia Partisans Gay and Lesbian Democratic Club. According to a press release from Partisans Secretary Brian Cook:

    …Terry Mansberger has stepped down as President of the Virginia Partisans.  He will be working to help launch the LGBT Democratic Caucus of Virginia – a new body directly affiliated with the Virginia Democratic Party. This organization will serve with the Partisans as a voice for LGBT Democrats across the Commonwealth. Terry will continue his wonderful work with the Partisans serving on the Board as immediate past president.

    To replace Terry, the Board has unanimously voted for Tiffany Joslyn, the current Vice President, to step in. Tiffany has done a marvelous job helping transition between Boards, updating our database, and coordinating the Partisans’ renewed affiliation with the National Stonewall Democrats.

    The press release also notes that “[n]ext year is an especially critical year with the entire Virginia Senate and House of Delegates up for election.” The Partisans vow to “continue to be a strong voice for equal rights and Democratic principles in the Commonwealth.” Speaking for Blue Virginia, I can say that we will support them 100% in achieving those goals!

    P.S. Two other great things about Tiffany Joslyn: 1) she lives in Arlington (aka, “Communist Country” – lol); 2) she got her law degree at George Washington University (where I received my master’s degree). 🙂


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