Plenty of regional dignitaries attended D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (D)’s inauguration Sunday, but they didn’t represent their neighbors to the south.
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) received an invitation to the festivities but he declined to attend and did not send anyone in his place, according to his office.
And no, it’s not “fair” to note that “D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty did not attend McDonnell’s inauguration in January 2010.” Last I checked, Vincent Gray was not Adrian Fenty, in fact Gray defeated Fenty for Mayor. So why does that have anything to do with anything? Also, how do “two wrongs make a right?” Don’t we want more regional cooperation on things like Metro, economic development, cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay, first response to terrorist attacks and natural disasters, etc., not less?
P.S. Congratulations to long-time Virginia political operative Mo Elleithee for helping guide Gray to victory this past fall.