NLS on “Ken Cuccinelli’s Massive Expansion of Government”


    I very much enjoyed reading this and thought I’d pass it along.

    This might make a top ten list of the biggest hypocritical moments of Ken’s time in office– but it wouldn’t be #1.  The top one has to be filing a lawsuit against the federal health care bill that is designed to cover more people- when Ken took a state subsidy for his entire family for government health care while he was a State Senator- a subsidy that was not available to any other part time state employees other than members of the General Assembly.

    So taxpayers need to pay for more staffers for Ken, and even for health care for Ken’s entire family while he was in the Senate- but not for any of the real needs we have in the state? Apparently that’s the position out in right wing Virginia land.

    Good stuff, yet another story the corporate media isn’t covering, and yet another reason why it’s important that we have independent, progressive new media to call out corruption, incompetence, lunacy, extremism and hypocrisy by powerful government officials. That includes, by the way, both Republicans and Democrats, although obviously, as progressives and as Democrats, we believe that the “Red Team” is far more egregious – by many orders of magnitude – than the “Blue Team.”

    UPDATE: In other news, did you know that Ken Cuccinelli recommends “The Communist Manifesto,” published in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as this work supposedly “is embraced by ‘large swaths of academia and the legal profession and the people who know how to run our lives better than we do – just ask them.'” Here at Blue Virginia, of course, we all personally lull ourselves to sleep each night by reading the Commie Manifesto. That, and the latest socialist/communist/fascist (yes, we know those are mutually contradictory, but since when has logic or internal consistency been a hallmark of the Kookinellis of the world?) speech by Barack Hussein Obama. Heh.  


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