Arlington, Falls Church Police Endorse Theo Stamos for Commonwealth’s Attorney


    Per the following press release, Theo Stamos receives two major endorsements for Commonwealth’s Attorney. I’m very glad to see it, as I personally believe that Stamos will be superb in this job.


    ARLINGTON, VA – The Arlington Coalition of Police and The Falls Church Police Association have voted to endorse Theo Stamos to become the next Commonwealth’s Attorney for Arlington County and the City of Falls Church.

    “Our decision comes with ease, in that every cop on the street who knows Ms. Stamos knows she is a tough but fair advocate… and a proven attorney who has tried and won some of the most complicated cases” in the county, said Ken Dennis, President of the Arlington Coalition of Police (ACP). The vote by the ACP Board was unanimous in support of Stamos, Dennis said.

    “We know that those who truly believe in a safe and secure community will elect the right person to do the job… Theo Stamos is that person,” Dennis added.

    In addition to winning the backing of the Arlington police group, Stamos also won the endorsement of the Falls Church Police Association (FCPA).

    (more on the “flip”)

    In announcing its decision to back Stamos to succeed outgoing Commonwealth’s Attorney Richard E. Trodden, FCPA President Ed Lancaster said: “I’ve known Ms. Stamos for almost 25 years. She’s an outstanding prosecutor, tenacious in the courtroom and will serve the community well”.

    “I am enormously grateful for the support of both the ACP and the FCPA. I’ve worked for years alongside these brave and dedicated men and women. I’m thrilled to have their strong support and endorsement,” Stamos said.


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