Blue Virginia Senate Poll: Tom Perriello Wins Easily


    This one wasn’t even close; Tom Perriello has won the Blue Virginia U.S. Senate poll by a more than 2:1 margin (91-39 votes) over Tim Kaine, with everyone else far behind. Meanwhile, on Facebook, we see a similar pattern: Draft Tom Perriello for US Senate has 789 members; Draft Tim Kaine for U.S. Senate has 378 members; Draft Rick Boucher for U.S. Senate has 122 members; and Draft Gerry Connolly for Senate has 14 members. Just for comparison purposes, Jamie Radtke for Senate has 732 members, which is 57 fewer than what Tom Perriello’s got (and Radtke’s page was founded in late December 2010, while Tom’s got going very recently, on February 9, 2011).

    Now, standard disclaimers: 1) I strongly believe this is overwhelmingly pro-Tom rather than anti-Tim; and 2) if Tim Kaine decides to run, I presume that every sentient human being who follows Virginia politics and has an IQ over about 50 knows that, realistically speaking, it will “clear the field.” However, if Kaine decides NOT to run, it most certainly would not be the end of the world, as Mo Elleithee explains very well. Personally, I believe that Tom Perriello would be an energetic, well-funded, skillful, articulate candidate who would bring people to the polls and help Barack Obama carry Virginia in 2012. I also think that Tom would make a superb U.S. Senator for all Virginians. What more could you ask for?


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