Cantor’s “quest for right-wing celebrity” vs. the “reality that he’s a Congressman” from Virginia


    From DPVA Communications Director Brian Coy, in reference to this Politico article, on how Eric Cantor’s “quest for right-wing celebrity” is directly conflicting with his responsibility to represent his constituents.

    Is Eric Cantor the Republican Leader Who Is Costing Virginia Jobs or the Virginia Congressman Trying to Save Them?

    Richmond, VA – Republican Leader and Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor was in the spotlight today in a POLITICO story about balancing Washington Republican’s desire to cut federal spending, including military spending, with the need to do what’s best for Virginia’s economy, which depends heavily on military spending.

    It seems Republican Leader Eric Cantor’s life as a right-wing super star has run into the reality that he’s a Congressman from the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said DPVA Communications Director Brian Coy. “Today, Cantor won’t even tell Virginia families if he voted for an amendment aimed at protecting the military facilities and jobs in Hampton Roads. His quest for right-wing celebrity has now put him in the position where he has to choose between his party’s plan to cut jobs in Virginia and the people who elected him to fight for them by creating jobs and growing the economy.”


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