Dear Governor McDonnell: Walker Should not be Praised for Suppressing Workers’ Rights


    (I couldn’t agree more, Bob McDonnell has demonstrated that he’s 100% anti-worker, definitely not a friend of people who aren’t rich and powerful. Not that it’s a big surprise or anything, but still, this demonstrated it beyond a shadow of a doubt. – promoted by lowkell)

    A long list of Virginia groups have joined together to show their solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Instead of focusing on jobs or transportation, our Governor spent his time recently praising Governor Walker for his attacks on Wisconsin workers.  Governor McDonnell sent a tweet and YouTube video to Governor Walker applauding his good friend’s “courage” and “leadership.”

    A diverse group of labor and non-profit organizations sent a letter to Governor McDonnell this morning expressing solidarity with those protesting in Wisconsin and highlighting that Governor Walker is not to be commended for using his state’s budget struggles as an excuse to suppress workers’ rights.

    “The working people of Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio are raising their voices with the world watching, and we must show them support. We are embarrassed that our Governor, Bob McDonnell, would support Governor Walker’s shameful actions and would oppose the hardworking nurses, firefighters and teachers that keep our nation going,” said Sandra Cook, Chairperson of Virginia Organizing.

    Click here to let Wisconsin workers know that Virginia stand behind them in their fight to uphold the American dream.

    Although public sector workers in Wisconsin have ceded the concessions asked by Governor Walker, they are still being asked to give up their right to collective bargaining.

    “This is a political strategy and an attack on labor unions across the country. We are either going to work together and make history or the labor movement is going to be history. Are we going to settle and allow corporate lobbyists and big business to continue to make bad decisions, or are we going to take our country back?” said Chris Lance, President of CWA/National Coalition of Public Safety Officers Local 2201.

    While many of Walker’s supporters blame organized public sector workers for the state’s budget woes, the groups signing the letter to Governor McDonnell note that Virginia, a long time right-to-work state, has experienced the same budget problems as states with strong public sector unions like Wisconsin. The letter implored Governor McDonnell to make pragmatic, not political, budget choices.

    “We would describe those who are fighting for better wages and benefits, jobs security and safer work places as courageous and brave, not Governor Walker who is trying to deny workers their rights,” said Doris Crouse-Mays, President of the Virginia AFL-CIO.

    “The same powerful corporate interests and their political allies who pressing to undermine workers’ rights are attempting to roll back environmental protections as well,” said Glen Besa, Virginia Director for the Sierra Club. “Unions built and protect a strong middle class in America, and it is the middle class that has the political clout to demand our water and air be protected.”

    Click here to let Wisconsin workers know that Virginia stand behind them in their fight to uphold the American dream: http://statevoices.salsalabs.c…

    Click here for the full text of the letter sent to Governor McDonnell


    The following organizations signed the letter to Governor McDonnell:

    Central Virginia Chapter A.P.R.I.

    Central Virginia Labor Federation

    Communications Workers of America Virginia State Council

    CWA Local 2204

    Eastern Virginia Labor Federation

    IUE-CWA Local 82161

    National Coalition of Public Safety Officers

    Northern Virginia Labor Federation

    Richmond Jobs with Justice

    Richmond Peace Education Center

    SEIU Local 5

    SEIU Local 32BJ

    Sierra Club Virginia Chapter

    Tenants and Workers United

    Virginia AFL-CIO

    Virginia Association of Personal Care Assistants

    Virginia Education Association

    Virginia New Majority

    Virginia Organizing

    Virginia Professional Fire Fighters, IAFF

    Virginia State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    Voice of Vietnamese Americans

    Western Virginia Labor Federation

    Workers’ Justice Center


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