President Obama: Decision on Senate Run Is Up To Kaine


    Ryan Nobles reports on his one-on-one interview with President Obama (great “get” by Ryan – impressive!).

    In our interview Mr. Obama said the decision is up to Kaine.

    “I want to hear what he wants to do,” Obama said. “I think he would be a great Senator from Virginia if he chose to do that.”

    The President seemed to deflect the notion that Kaine serves at his wit and whim and whatever Obama says goes.

    “As good of a friend as he is of mine, he is less concerned about serving me, he is more concerned about serving the American people and the people of Virginia,” said Obama.

    Bottom line: Based on what President Obama is saying here, it clearly sounds like the decision on whether or not to run for U.S. Senate is Tim Kaine’s to make. So, what’s your prediction: when will Kaine decide and what will the decision be?


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