Bob McDonnell Disowns, Disses His Own “Bipartisan Redistricting Commission!”


    I’m 100% with the House Democratic Caucus on this one. This is utterly pathetic; Bob McDonnell completely breaking a promise he made during his campaign for governor, wimping out, and being something he pretends he’s not — a typical, conniving, self-serving politician. Great job, governor!

    Virginia House Democratic Caucus

    Dear Friends,

    In our last message, we reminded you that the 2011 Redistricting Special Session will convene on April 4th. We also shared that the Governor’s Bi-partisan Redistricting Commission which was established to contribute to “public involvement, openness, and fairness” in the redistricting process had been meeting around the state to solicit public input on the new legislative districts.

    Now, we’ve heard the most amazing statement from the Governor. His Director of Communications, Tucker Martin, publically stated that, “the recommendations of the commission are theirs alone; they are not recommendations by the Governor.” He went on to say that “the Governor will not weigh in on redistricting until the General Assembly approves their plan and they are sent to him for his formal review.” Say What?

    That’s right folks; the Governor will not be listening to the recommendations made by his own Bi-partisan Redistricting Commission. Unbelievable!

    Making bipartisan redistricting a reality was one of the central tenets of the Governor’s campaign. The Governor promoted this Commission instead of backing real reform during the legislative session that would have made bi-partisan redistricting a reality.

    Tell the Governor that he has to listen to his own redistricting commission! You can call Governor McDonnell directly at his office – (804) 786-2211.

    We all deserve to be heard in this process. Call the Governor today and make sure he listens!

    Speak out on the House Democratic Caucus Twitter and Facebook pages. We’re listening, even if the Governor isn’t!


    Ward Armstrong                     Ken Plum

    Minority Leader                    Caucus Chair

    10th House District                36th House District


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