Home Education Race to Nowhere – an invitation to a viewing on April...

Race to Nowhere – an invitation to a viewing on April 26


If you are interested in what stress is doing to our students, there is a movie you MUST see.  It is Race to Nowhere   I saw it at a Church in Fairfax County.  I showed some clips to my students, who asked me to arrange a screening so they could see it.  Here’s a trailer:  

That screening is tomorrow night at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt Md, just off the BW Parkway.

We have plenty of room.  The film’s producer, Vicki Abeles, is flying in from California to lead the post-screening discussion.  She was motivated to make the film after seeing the impact of stress upon her daughter.

If you are interested, you can buy tickets online here  If you don’t make up your mind until the last minute, tickets will be available at the door.  

Doors open at 6:30.  Film will start within 15-20 minute, and last just under 90, and then the discussion.


Here’s the blurb from the website:  

A concerned mother turned filmmaker aims her camera at the high-stakes, high-pressure culture that has invaded our schools and our children’s lives.

Race to Nowhere points to the silent epidemic in our schools: cheating has become commonplace; students are disengaged; stress-related illness and depression are rampant; and many young people arrive at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired.

Race to Nowhere is a call to action for families, educators, and policy makers to challenge current assumptions on how to best prepare the youth of America to become healthy, bright, contributing and leading citizens.

and for more video, try this Youtube search which includes video from TV shows discussing the film.


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