Home 2019 Elections New Poll: Kaine and Allen Tied, 46%-46%

New Poll: Kaine and Allen Tied, 46%-46%


I’ve gotta say, this new poll on the 2012 U.S. Senate race is not the most encouraging thing I’ve ever seen. Sure, the poll shows the race between likely nominees Tim Kaine and George Allen tied, 46%-46%, and that’s not too bad in a “purple” state like Virginia, at this early stage of the campaign, for “generic Republican candidate vs. generic Democratic candidate.”  

So why am I not particularly pleased with this poll? First off, because Kaine and Allen aren’t “generic” candidates. To the contrary, one of them is the guy known as “Felix Macacawitz,” because of his history – not just the “macaca” incident, by the way – of, uh, questionable comments and attitudes towards African Americans, Asian Americans, etc. One of the candidates is also the guy who did nothing in the U.S. Senate, other than vote 96% of the time with George W. Bush, as he slashed taxes for rich people, failed to pay for two wars and a new Medicare benefit, trashed the environment, appointed radical right-wing judges to the courts, trampled on Americans’ civil liberties, turned budget surpluses (under Bill Clinton) into massive deficits as far as the eye can see (under George W. Bush and the Republican Congress).

Given all that, my question is simple: how can someone like George Allen be the overwhelming favorite to win his party’s nomination (Allen 54%, Bob Marshall 4%, Corey Stewart 3%, David McCormick 3%, Jamie Radtke 2%), and then in a neck-and-neck race with presumed Democratic nominee Tim Kaine (who leads Bobby Scott in a hypothetical primary, 67%-17%)? That’s simply bizarre, if not disturbing, on a number of levels.

By the way, what on earth does Jamie Radtke think she’s accomplishing? So far, her campaign appears to have gained absolutely no traction among Republican voters, whether we’re talking about poll numbers or fundraising. Yes, it’s early, but at this point Radtke’s not even ahead of Corey Stewart, “Sideshow Bob” Marshall, and some guy named David McCormick. Sounds to me like it’s time for Radtke to go back to her proverbial “day job,”  whatever that might be (other than professional politician).


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