Northern Virginia Campaign Finance Highlights: 8/15/11 Reports


    I’m looking through campaign finance reports from July 1 through August 10 on the State Board of Elections website and VPAP. Here are a few highlights, or at least numbers that jumped out at me in the hour or so I spent on this after a long day, mostly from Democratic candidates in Northern Virginia. Please feel free to add others in the comments section. Thanks. (I’ll try to look at more of these, from other parts of the state, tomorrow…)

    *31st Senate district Democratic candidate Jaime Areizaga-Soto loaned himself another $70,000. He also received $28,825 in cash contributions greater than $100, most of which appears to have come from Virginia, Maryland, and DC (e.g., almost none from Puerto Rico, which Barbara Favola claimed is where he’s getting most of his money)

    *31st Senate district Democratic candidate Barbara Favola received a $25,000 loan from Sen. Mary Margaret Whipple on 8/1/11. She also received $54,580 in cash contributions greater than $100, including $5,000 from Sen. Patsy Ticer, another $2,500 from our old friend Preston Caruthers, $5,000 from TCS Realty, $3,000 from Greenway Asset Management (real estate management), and lots more from the real estate industry. Surprise, surprise.

    *30th Senate district Democratic candidate Adam Ebbin raised $49,062 in cash contributions greater than $100, including $5,000 from Sen. Patsy Ticer, who has endorsed Ebbin’s opponent Libby Garvey. Interesting!

    *30th Senate district Democratic candidate Rob Krupicka loaned himself $10,000 and raised $38,475 in cash contributions greater than $100. The cash includes $1,000 from Sen. Patsy Ticer.

    *30th Senate district Democratic candidate Libby Garvey raised $41,802 in cash contributions greater than $100, including $5,000 from Sen. Patsy Ticer and over $4,000 from Jenny Becherer of Delta Bridge Financial.

    *Braddock District Supervisor Democratic candidate Janet Oleszek raised $14,850 in cash contributions greater than $100. Her opponent, Chris “McCain-Palin Dude” Wade, raised just $3,700 in cash contributions greater than $100.

    Lots more on the “flip”

    *49th House of Delegates district Democratic candidate Stephanie Clifford raised $4,075 in cash contributions greater than $100, including $2,000 from Sen. Patsy Ticer, $250 from Anthony Podesta of The Podesta Group and $100 from Arlington County Revenue Commissioner Ingrid Morroy.

    *49th House of Delegates district Democratic candidate Alfonso Lopez loaned himself $27,000 and raised $9,230 in cash contributions greater than $100. The cash included $1,000 from Alcalde & Fay President Hector Alcalde and $1,000 from Del. Scott Surovell.

    *Del. David Bulova (D-37th) raised $23,165 in cash contributions greater than $100, while his Republican opponent Brian Schoeneman raised $1,475 (more than half of which came from Pat Herrity).

    *Prince William County Board Chair and Chief Xenophobe Corey Stewart raised $6,110 in cash contributions over $100, while his Democratic opponent Babur Lateef raised $14,117 (lots of physicians!).

    *Del. Barbara Comstock (R-34th) raised $72,160 in cash contributions over $100, including $25k from Paul Singer of Elliott Management Corp. in New York. Comstock also received $2,000 each from the Virginia Beer Wholesalers and Virginia Wine Wholesalers. Comstock’s Democratic opponent, Pamela Danner, raised $38,051 in cash contributions over $100, including more than $15k from the House Democratic Caucus and $5,000 from Del. David Englin.


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