Gingrich claims fraud!


    (C’mon, Attorney General Coochy, do your job and prosecute this guy!!! – promoted by lowkell)

    Newt Gingrich has a new reason why he didn’t make the ballot — fraud on the part of someone he hired.  He is claiming that he hired someone to get signatures who forged or made up 1,500 signatures.  See the story here.

    I heard on the news tonight that Newt was blaming poor staff work — sort of a class-less move but hardly surprising.  So now we have an allegation of fraud.

    I wonder if anyone will prosecute?  I mean, it’s a crime to submit petitions fraudulently.  At the bottom of the form is this language:

    I understand that falsely signing this affidavit is a felony punishable by a maximum fine up to $2,500 and/or imprisonment for up to ten years.

    See Va. Code 24.2-1016.

    So let’s get those prosecutions going!  I want to see the perp walk!


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