Cuccinelli: Willard Backed National Healthcare Mandate; GOP Will Cede Issue if He’s the Nominee


    Interesting comments (at around the 11:45-13 minute mark) by Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli about Willard Romney. According to Cuccinelli – and he’s absolutely correct on this – Romney’s been a “long advocate of an individual mandate…even at the national level.” In addition, according to Cuccinelli, Republicans would be “effectively giving [the issue of the individual mandate in “Obamacare”] up” if they nominate Romney. I hate to say this, but I once again agree with Cuccinelli on something. Scary.

    P.S. Other than that, there’s not much interesting in this video as far as I can tell, just the usual far-right-wing blather we’ve come to expect from our fine AG. Ugh.


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