Home Virginia Politics The Damaged Legacy of Sen. Chuck Colgan

The Damaged Legacy of Sen. Chuck Colgan


(Very interesting, coming from the 2011 Democratic nominee for House of Delegates from the 13th House of Delegates District (currently misrepresented by Del. “Sideshow Bob” Marshall). – promoted by lowkell)

It is sad to see Senator Colgan at the end of his long and storied career in Richmond, stain his legacy through his votes and actions in this years legislative session. His co-sponsorship of the outrageous “Personhood” bill was only the first. His votes to require medically unnecessary ultrasounds, and to require women to pay for this state-mandated test represent the unfortunate attempt by some legislators to enshrine in secular law, religious tenets and articles of faith.

The defeat of the amendment to require the costs of the ultrasound to be covered by insurance or the state failed on Senator Colgan’s vote. He alone is responsible for poor and economically disadvantaged women having to pay out of pocket for a test that has no medical merit and for which her doctor can offer no justification.

A reputation and a legacy take decades to build and are fragile things, easily damaged or destroyed by ill considered actions. Just as Lyndon Johnson’s legacy on civil rights and his war on poverty were forever overshadowed by Vietnam, so Senator Colgan is running the risk that he will be known more for his support of the Republican extreme anti-woman agenda than for anything else he has ever done for his district.

The issue of “Personhood” is not behind us, merely shelved until next year when I suspect Republicans think we will be paying less attention. I also have no doubt that Republicans will continue their attack on women’s rights. If Senator Colgan lends his name, his support, or his vote to bills like “Personhood” next year, I believe his actions will one day be viewed in the same light as the late Sen. Thurmond’s filibuster of civil rights. The damage to Colgan’s reputation has been done. Only he can decide how much more he will stain the legacy of what was a stellar career in Richmond.

Carl Genthner


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