Home Energy and Environment Dozens Protest for Clean Air, Against Science-Denying, Fossil Fuel Industry Puppet Morgan...

Dozens Protest for Clean Air, Against Science-Denying, Fossil Fuel Industry Puppet Morgan Griffith


According to environmental activist Nicole Ghio, there are at least 52 people protesting Rep. Morgan Griffith’s ridiculous “House field hearing” in Abingdon this morning, part of efforts by Republicans (aka, fossil fuel industry puppets) like Griffith to make our air dirtier and polluters happier by blocking rules on power plant emissions. Personally, I prefer keeping our air clean and our planet healthy rather than further enriching the already overflowing coffers of the fossil fuel companies. Clearly, Morgan Griffith’s priorities are the exact opposite; not surprising for someone who doesn’t even “believe” (as if it’s a matter of “belief” in science. #FAIL

P.S. Photo by Glen Besa of the Virginia Sierra Club.


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