Home National Politics Video: Can’tor Defends Anti-Muslim Bigot Bachmann, Who Even Boehner and McCain Condemned

Video: Can’tor Defends Anti-Muslim Bigot Bachmann, Who Even Boehner and McCain Condemned


All I have to say to this is wow. Even by Eric Can’tor low, lower, lowest standards, this is FUBAR. I mean, even John Boehner and John McCain condemned Michele Bachmann’s insane, bigoted, neo-McCarthyite, anti-Muslim witchhunt against Huma Abedin as “sinister” and “dangerous.” Yet Can’tor defends this raving lunatic and even legimitizes her, claiming that her real concern is the “security of the country?” What a total crock.

Bottom line questions: 1) Is Eric Can’tor utterly without any principles? 2) How does this guy sleep at night? 3) Why do people of his district keep reelecting this embarrassment, this “a shanda fur die goy” (“something embarrassing to Jews where non-Jews can observe it”)? Despicable.


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